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The PlayStation Vita is the successor to the PSP. It contains a beefed up processor and graphics, and includes the addition of a second analog stick. It was released February 15, 2012.

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port to plug in charger broken

My son broke the slot u plug in the charger and the prongs inside are bent. Can someone tell me wherevto find the part and how to replace it? Model PCH-1101

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Hey mate. After searching around, from what I can see, you can't buy charging port replacements for the PSP Vita, only data ports. Even so, to replace it would require you to de solder the existing port and solder a new one on. Being basically a SMD component, it would be difficult to do. My advice is, see if there is a local console/gaming systems, repairer near you. They possible will be able to help you out with this.

Sorry its not much help.

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Pretty dumb that everything is repairable but the charger port :-(

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how to fix a ps vita charge port

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