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The Samsung NX Mini is a mirrorless digital camera released in March 2014.

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Why does the sound not work

Ok so I have the Samsung nx mini and when I record sometimes the sound works and other times there’s a sound like staticky and then eventually it will just be completely silent it doesn’t happen all the time but if I was to record two videos changes are the sound would only work for one.

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Is there any debris near the microphone hole of the camera? Sometimes tiny metal particles can collect on the top of a microphone and cause annoying background noise. Try vacuuming that tiny elongated hole on the top face of the camera and gingerly scratch the surface inside that hole with a toothpick at the same time. The toothpick can get any debris dislodged from the tiny microphone screen and the vacuum will suck it out of the microphone hole. Don't apply any pressure to the toothpick, just kind of drag it along the inside. Don't jab into the hole either. Dragging the toothpick should be enough to move any particles around and off the microphone screen.

Photo here:


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I’m definitely going to try this. I will get back to you but I have done this before. I didn’t vacuum the the hole just kinda got some gunk out, Hopefully this works I pray it doesn’t thank you and I will let you know.


Good luck with it!


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